About us
In 2017, Kelli McLoud-Schingen, along with Carmen White Janak, Dionne Lambert, Karla Ford, Nicole Ogundare, Paula Scheider, Scott Schingen, Tim Janak and Zero Steiert, founded World Stage Theatre Company in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Kelli saw a unique opportunity to utilize her theatre and cross cultural skills to develop a company that would foster greater representation of actors of color, as well as tell stories that would invite the audience to explore compelling social and cultural themes. She believes that bringing this blend of entertainment and education to Tulsa audiences will affect social change and encourage a true sense of commUnity.
World Stage Theatre Company is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and a member of American Association of Community Theatres (AACT) and the Oklahoma Community Theatre Association (OCTA).
Mission Statement
In the play, “As you Like it,” Shakespeare wrote, “All the worlds a stage and all the men and women are merely players”. Shakespeare knew the power of stories and used theatre to gather the community to explore social, political and spiritual topics that impacted society locally and globally. This approach by Shakespeare and his players is what inspires the mission of the World Stage Theatre Company:
“The World Stage Theatre Company gives actors and audiences access to the world by telling multicultural, inspirational, and transformational stories to connect our hearts and minds with people, places, and ideas.”
Vision Statement
To become the theatre company in Tulsa that educates artists in all aspects of theatre; to create and produce stellar work that fosters cross cultural understanding and compassion; and to provide Tulsa actors and crew transformative experiences through access to perform internationally as well as work with international artists in Tulsa.
Productions (Domestic & International)
Our Inaugural season began in the Spring of 2018. We collaborated on our first production, “Disgraced” by Ayad Akhtar with the now-defunct, Theatre Pops. World Stage produces 4-5 shows a year with a bonus production to be performed internationally once every other year and to bring in international artists in the off year.
Board of Directors

Kelli McLoud-Schingen

Carmen White Janak

Timothy Janak

Cornelius Johnson

Dionne Lambert

Paula Scheider

Scott Schigen

Zero Steiert

Adrian Alexander