Live Rich, Die Poor is based on the life of Zora Neale Hurston, the brilliant writer from the Harlem Renaissance who gave us her seminal work Their Eyes Were Watching God comes an unapologetic look at her colorful life. Actress and writer Ann Perry Wallace re-imagines scenes from Hurston’s life; from her happy days in Eatonville, the devastating loss of her mother, hints of the lost years of wandering that she never spoke of, to arriving in New York and becoming a fixture within the writing Negro world of the Harlem Renaissance and even her falling out with her best friend Langston Hughes. This is a study of a woman who fought to live use every single gift while she yet lived. Her life has the power to instruct, inspire, and illuminate. This show captures the vulnerable Zora we don’t often read about, and it asks us if we are living a way in which we are emptying ourselves out and using all of our gifts. Strap in and put yourself in Zora’s shoes as she confronts her life choices!
Join us and immediately following the December 4th and 6th productions there will be a special talk-back with the playwright and star, Ann Perry Wallace.
Friday, December 4th at 7pm Central U.S.
Saturday, December 5th at 7pm Central US
Sunday, December 6th at 2pm Central US